Essential Oil Blends offered by Deanna Harrison, Certified Aromatherapist.
Deanna's Oils are Essential Oil Blends and Chinese Medicine/Acupuncture/Acupressure!
I am a Certified Aromatherapist, and all of my oils are certified organic and mixed to safe levels for human, horse and pet use. Please feel free to message me if you have questions!
We have a Facebook group that we'd love to share with you! Feel free to join us- by clicking here
Essential Oils are extracted from plants (stems, leaves, roots and blooms) by a steam distillation process. All plants have little pockets of oil that protect the plant from insects, the environment, doubt and other things that can threaten the existence of the plant. Though the distillation process, the heat causes the little pockets of oil to burst and rise with the steam, where it goes into a separate container and is skimmed off the water. The water that is left over is called Hydrosol. Hydrosol is also therapeutic and very gentle having only around 1% essential oil.Essential oils are sold by the drop. 1 ounce of Essential oils is 600 drops. That is why it is dosed in drops. It takes many pounds of plant parts to produce 1 ounce of oils. Example: To make one ounce of Rose Essential Oil, it takes over 10,000 lbs of rose petals! Essential oil is the purest, strongest form of the plant. To give an example, lets say you make yourself a cup of Peppermint Tea made from the leaves of the Peppermint plant…..one DROP of Peppermint Essential Oil will make 100 cups of Peppermint tea the same strength! So as can see essential oils are very powerful. They can penetrate the blood brain barrier and go into the blood stream thru the skin. That is why it is so important to only use oils that are certified organic and pesticide free. This is also the reason 10 drops diluted can dose a 1000lb horse!
This blend of "Plus" is a stronger version of the oil that is in Equine Liquid Xanax Plus, Morphine Bomb Plus, Equine Ulcer Rescue Plus, THIS IS THE PLUS that is in those blends.
This oil is good for digestion/gut health, anxiety and pain.
Please call or text for more info.
This oil blend is not intended to treat, diagnose prevent or cure any disease. Please consult your Doctor before starting any new oil blend.
“I had never tried essential oils before I called Deanna about an over doer horse that just tried too hard. She recommended the Equine Liquid Xanax an the Equine Ulcer Rescue just in time for Houston Rodeo. Can’t tell you how amazed I was at him picking out his barrels in an arena that size an keeping calm. What I thought could be an out of control run turned into a paycheck. All of the oils I have used have been beneficial. Her cbd an human oils are awesome too. I strongly recommend her oils.” – Mary Burger
“It started with the Liquid Xanax for my over-zealous barrel horse. Then it progressed to the Morphine Bomb Plus for my older gelding. I don’t leave home without my oils, and Deanna has something for everything. I now have an arsenal for safe measures.” – Kylie Weast
I started my gelding off with the EPM treatment after being at my wits end and a total loss of where to go next. My gelding was a total nightmare and a terror to handle. By day 5 I noticed a small difference. By day 10 it was a bigger difference. He went thru 2 rounds of treatment and he’s back to his normal self! The EPM treatment saved my gelding and I’ll be forever thankful! Next we moved onto the equine liquid Xanax cbd version. I started using this to help bring him back into the ring without nerves and using his brain to focus instead of spook. I love that product because it didn’t take away his positive energy, but toned down the spookiness he started having making a comeback. He was able to focus again. I love deannas products and will vouch for them again and again!**My gelding competes in jumpers and is also a barrel horse. Placing an order again to refill my stock!
We started using Mega Fire about 2 years ago for my grand daughters horse. We can tell a big difference when we use and when we don’t. He fires so much better with Mega Fire! She has now won 3 pole saddles on him and we credit your oils with helping get this accomplished! Thank you!
Deanna Harrison
Owner, Certified Aromatherapist
I have studied Chinese Medicine for over 14 years. I started because I had a crippled horse that no one could help. I ended up running him for 10 years. In 2015 I started studying Aromatherapy/Essential Oils to add to my business. I completed my Certification in 2019.
My goal is to help horses, dogs and humans feel better naturally with holistic healing. Thank you for visiting my page and feel free to join us on my facebook group page!
Please let me know if you have any questions! Message or call!
Returns Policy
You may return most new, unopened items within 30 days of delivery for a refund with a 20% restocking fee charge. We’ll also pay the return shipping costs if the return is a result of our error (you received an incorrect or defective item, etc.) If you receive an item and decide you don’t want it, then buyer pays return shipping and there will be a 20% restocking fee. You will not receive your refund until we receive the product back and process the return. (Could take up to 3 weeks with the time it takes for the item to ship to us, and for the refund to finish processing back into your account.)
If you need to return an item, please contact us with your order number and details about the product you would like to return. We will respond quickly with instructions for how to return items from your order.
We ship anywhere in the United States, we do NOT ship internationally. Sorry for any inconvenience.We mainly ship USPS which allows us to ship to P.O. Boxes.If you order items that are out of stock in our supply room, please be expected to receive your order within 2-3 weeks. Normally not taking near as long as that. You will be contacted with any delays.
Damages & Shortages
Contact the delivering carrier immediately and save all packing material for inspection. Damages and shortages must be reported within 72 hours.