Don't Be Sick

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This bundle of oils is to help fight the sniffles and viruses of winter! It helps to clear airways, kill viruses and bacteria!

Allergy Sinus 2.0

Allergy Sinus 2.0 is a blend of 10 essential oils to open airways and works as a natural antihistamine. Oils like Peppermint, Black Spruce and Myrtle help to block histamine. This blend also has Helichrysum in it. Helichrysum is also call “immortal” in essential oils for it’s healing properties.

Anti-Viral Formula is a blend of certified organic, therapeutic essential oils that are effective at fighting colds/flu. Oils like Cinnamon Leaf, Melissa and Patchouli. The chemical components that make this blends effective are (just to name a few):

1,8 cineole has anti viral potential and is believed to act before the virus attaches and penetrates into cells.

D-limeonene- activates white blood cells and fights infections.

Citral- is an anti inflammatory and has immunostimulant activity.

Patchouli alcohol- an immunostimulant that is active against the flu virus.

Eugenol- effective against acute illnesses involving infections.

Menthol- Opens airways, uplifts mood, anti inflammatory

Menthone- anti viral potential, acts before viruses attaches and penetrates into cells.


Formerly MRSA Buster

Defended is a blend of 9 organic and therapeutic essential oils. All of

the oils in this blend are known for their anti-bacterial properties!

Lavender, Geranium, Patchouli, Tea Tree, Niaouli, Spikenard, Rosemary,


Niaoula (Melaleuca quinquenervia) is a very powerful anti bacterial that

is rich in the chemical component 1,8-cineole. (54%) 1,8-cineole is

also an airborne antimicrobial, analgesic, antibacterial,

anti-inflammatory, antiviral and a skin penetrator enhancer.

Geranium (Pelagonium x asperum) was investigated in lab tests in 2004 to

study the effects of Geranium alone and blended with other oils against

Staphylocuccus aureus (MRSA) and epidemic methicillin resistant S.

Aureus (EMRSA) and showed excellent inhibition, and Geranium combined

with Tea Tree was the most effective against MRSA. Geranium is rich in

the chemical component citronellol.

Defended might be effective against Lyme Disease, either topically or drops on tongue or in feed.

This blend can be rubbed directly on MRSA/bacteria resistant sores. Humans 5 drops on tongue as needed.

horses, 10-15 drops 1-2 times a day.

As always, my blends have been diluted to safe levels.

Not intended to treat, prevent, diagnose or cure any disease. Please

consult your doctor or veterinarian before starting any new supplement

or essential oil treatment.

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