It's Cushy

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Product Details


This is a proprietary blend that I have developed for horses suffering

with Cushings. This blend works thru both aromatherapy and feed

through. A blend of 14 essential oils that have been shown to be

effective for digestion and balancing of the gut. Also, the essential

oils, Spikenard, Rose, Frankincense and Myrrh have been added to

concentrate on the function of the pituitary gland. These oils are

energetically effective at calming the heart, stabilizing the mind and

settling the emotions. This blend can be effective on many different


How to use: 10-15 drops on feed 1-2 times a day or topically on nostrils 1-2 times a day.

Please consult your veterinarian before starting any new supplement or

treatment. Essential oils are not intended to treat, diagnose, prevent

or cure any disease.

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