Mane and Tail Formula

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Mane and Tail Formula

30ml bottle

Do you want long flowing manes and tails? This is a blend of essential oils (9 total) that stimulate blood flow and growth to hair and skin. OIls include Cypress, Carrot Seed, Rosemary and Palmarosa, all regenerating and stimulating! It will also help combat flakiness and any parasites that might be in mane bed. This comes in a concentrated form. Just pour contents of bottle into a 24 oz spray bottle and shake well. Humans can also use this blend. All organic and Therapeutic.

*Always check with your Veterinarian before using a new product or supplement. Essential Oils are not intended to treat, diagnose, prevent or cure any disease.

How to use: Spray on base of mane and tailbone 1-2 times a day.

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