Welcome to Deanna’s Oils,
Essential Oil Blends
offered by Deanna Harrison, Certified Aromatherapist.  

Deanna’s Oils are Essential Oil Blends and Chinese Medicine/Acupuncture/Acupressure!

I am a Certified Aromatherapist, and all of my oils are certified organic and mixed to safe levels for human, horse and pet use. Please feel free to message me if you have questions!

We have a Facebook group that we’d love to share with you!  
Feel free to join us- by clicking here 

deanna harrison essential oils

How Essential Oils Work

Essential Oils are extracted from plants (stems, leaves, roots and blooms) by a steam distillation process.  All plants have little pockets of oil that protect the plant from insects, the environment, doubt and other things that can threaten the existence of the plant.  Though the distillation process, the heat causes the little pockets of oil to burst and rise with the steam, where it goes into a separate container and is skimmed off the water.  The water that is left over is called Hydrosol.   Hydrosol is also therapeutic and very gentle having only around 1% essential oil.

Essential oils are sold by the drop.  1 ounce of Essential oils is 600 drops.  That is why it is dosed in drops.  It takes many pounds of plant parts to produce 1 ounce of oils.  Example:  To make one ounce of Rose Essential Oil, it takes over 10,000 lbs of rose petals! 

Essential oil is the purest, strongest form of the plant.  To give an example, lets say you make yourself a cup of Peppermint Tea made from the leaves of the Peppermint plant…..one DROP of Peppermint Essential Oil will make 100 cups of Peppermint tea the same strength!  So as can see essential oils are very powerful.  They can penetrate the blood brain barrier and go into the blood stream thru the skin.  That is why it is so important to only use oils that are certified organic and pesticide free.  This is also the reason 10 drops diluted can dose a 1000lb horse!

Proud to sponsor some awesome riders and horses!

Deanna’s Oils proudly sponsors:

  • 2X World Champion, Mary Burger and MO
  • 2X NFR Qualifier, Dona Kay Rule
  • 1X NFR Qualifier, Kylie Weast

We also love getting such amazing feedback from horse owners and users. The success stories speak for themselves! Be sure to read some of the customer submitted testimonials – or share one of yours with others!

Essential Oils

I have studied Chinese Medicine for over 14 years. I started because I had a crippled horse that no one could help. I ended up running him for 10 years. In 2015 I started studying Aromatherapy/Essential Oils to add to my business. I completed my Certification in 2019.

My goal is to help horses, dogs and humans feel better naturally with holistic healing. Thank you for visiting my page and feel free to join us on my facebook group page!

Please let me know if you have any questions! Message or call.

Deanna Harrison

Won’t run without!

I started both my horses on the lung oil in their feed. I was absolutely amazed at the new gears my mare found in the barrel pen only 2 weeks after starting. I then started using the oil as a pre- race for both my mare and my gelding. I just recently added in the mega air for my mare and I’m SHOCKED how quickly she recovered after the first time we used that! I won’t leave my house now without my oils! So simple to use as a maintenance and even day of an event! Thank you!

Emilee Miller

Let me help you find the perfect blend for you, your dog, or your equine partner!